Lying during divorce, including lying on divorce papers, is common for the reason that, in general, according to a professional family lawyer in Orange County, is common. The following are some of the most common topics that spouses typically lie about:
- Income
- The existence of assets
- The value of assets
- The other parent’s relationship with the children
- Child abuse
- Child neglect
- Spousal abuse
A spouse who lies regarding custody or parenting issues
The following are the four common lies a spouse tells about child custody or parenting time issues:
- Lies regarding your involvement with the children
- Lies regarding your bonding with the children
- False allegations of child abuse or neglect
- Lying regarding child abuse or neglect when it really did happen
A spouse who lies regarding domestic violence
We commonly see two types of lies:
- Spouses who lie making false domestic violence allegations
- Spouses who lie by denying domestic violence they committed
The scenario goes something like this. One person files a domestic violence restraining order falsely claiming the other spouse committed domestic violence. The lie may be regarding physical abuse or something less serious. California law broadly defines domestic violence so it does not limit to physical abuse.
Lying regarding domestic violence a spouse committed may even result in a domestic violence hearing, particularly if the victim filed a domestic violence restraining order. According to a specialized domestic violence attorney in San Bernardino, the discovery and deposition process, interview and deposition of witnesses, and the gathering of documentary proof are very important to exposing the lies.
If there is abuse, there is often one or more witnesses to that abuse. There may be photographs, videos or admissions in writings such as emails or text messages. If there is no abuse, there is often a complete absence of witnesses or proof of any kind.
While the absence of any independent proof does not mean there is no abuse, it is uncommon for there to be no proof. If a spouse abuses the other spouse for years, the abused spouse likely spoke with someone regarding it. This may be a friend, family, therapist, or others. There are sometimes text messages, emails, letters or other documentation that discuss the abuse.
We often hear a spouse who is victim of the other side’s lies lament regarding his or her concern the other spouse will get away with the lies. This is a common perspective. This perspective exists for the reason that the victimized spouse believes the lying spouse got away with the lies throughout the marriage so we would lying during divorce be any different.
Luckily, the California Family Code has dire consequences for lying spouses. That includes all situations including those where a spouse lies regarding income, assets or makes false allegations of abuse. The consequences may include the fees of Riverside divorce lawyer and costs against the lying spouse.
If you are also in search of a lawyer who can assist you through the process, Sunita Sood is the best person to approach. Contact The Law Offices of Sood and Sood today!
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